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Parramatta Park

Community consultation

Greater Sydney Parklands (GSP) consulted closely with girls, women and First Nations people on this project as part of the Safer Cities Program.

In 2022, GSP conducted five in park ‘walk-shops’ with women, girls from a local high school and First Nations men and women during work hours, after work and on the weekends to hear how they felt about the park at night and what they thought could be done to improve the perception of safety.

  • 81% of participants said lighting of trees and the ground along the path would make them feel safe walking at night.
  • Women and girls told us more and varied lighting will make them feel safer when using Parramatta Park, particularly at night. 
  • 100% of participants said if the path was more activated at night, they would be more likely to use it and 88% of participants said they would feel safe with families walking the path at night.
  • 75% of participants said security cameras along the path would make them feel safe.

Their views have directly influenced the design including the type of lighting that will be installed and suggestions for other ways to activate the park to improve the perception of safety.

The Safer Cities Women and Girls program will enable GSP to provide a lit night-time pedestrian path from Parramatta CBD to Westmead which is a key action in the Your Parramatta Park 2030 Conservation Management Plan and Plan of Management.

Read: Safer Cities – Women and Girls: What we heard report


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