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Parramatta Park

Search Results

You searched for "permit to enter" and there were 193 results.

  • Terms & Conditions

    Click the appropriate Terms & Conditions for your booking type: Terms and Conditions of Hire Terms and Conditions of Hire - Wedding Ceremony Terms and Conditions of Hire - Wedding Photography Entertainment… Read more

  • History comes alive in Parramatta Park!

    Learn how life was lived in convict-era Australia as Parramatta Park celebrates the restoration of the Macquarie Bridge Reconstruction Project. Join one of two tours (23 April &… Read more

  • Changes to parking fees

    The Parramatta Park Trust would like to advise visitors of changes to both long and short-stay parking managed by the Trust. The new fees will be effective from Monday 2 May 2016. Read more

  • Event organiser's toolkit

    The toolkit provides guidelines for event organisers, promoters or hirers holding an event in Parramatta Park. According to the size of your event, some or all of the… Read more

  • Food and beverage

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer is responsible for obtaining all relevant food and beverage licences as required.  1. Food Authority Licence The event organiser, promoter or hirer must ensure… Read more

  • Lighting plan

    Events that finish after sunset will require a lighting plan as part of the crowd management plan particularly crowd egress. Adequate lighting is also required for bump out… Read more

  • Pyrotechnical plan

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must engage a licensed pyrotechnician for all pyrotechnical displays.  The licensed pyrotechnician must complete a WorkCover Notification of pyrotechnics/fireworks display form as a… Read more

  • Security, crowd management and emergency

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a Security Management Plan and Emergency Management Plan.  1. Security and Crowd Management Plan The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide… Read more

  • Site safety and risk management

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a risk assessment identifying the hazards of an event site and how they can be controlled to minimise the potential… Read more

  • Traffic management plan

    Where required the event organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a Traffic Management Plan (TMP) to ensure pedestrian and vehicle safety and management during an event, including the… Read more

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