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Parramatta Park

Search Results

You searched for "Master+plan" and there were 110 results.

  • Salters Field Playground to remain open until late November

    Parramatta Park Trust has announced the ageing Salters Field playground will remain open while Stage Two of the new playground is under construction. Parramatta Park Trust Director, Suellen Fitzgerald,… Read more

  • Coleman Oval

    Coleman Oval is a former cricket oval located in the north western corner of the park. LocationSee [A4 - B4] on our Park Map. View an event site plan for… Read more

  • Pavilion Flat

    Pavilion Flat is named for the large picnic pavilion (Gawi Shelter) located near the George Street Gatehouse entrance.  LocationSee [G6] on our Park Map. View an event site plan for… Read more

  • The Bowling Green

    Located next to the Macquarie St Gate entrance this space has good access from the CBD and is easily located by attendees. LocationSee [H5] on our Park Map. View an… Read more

  • Privacy

    This website is provided and maintained by the Parramatta Park Trust. This privacy statement sets out the Trust's practices relating to the privacy of your personal information. The… Read more

  • Event organiser's toolkit

    The toolkit provides guidelines for event organisers, promoters or hirers holding an event in Parramatta Park. According to the size of your event, some or all of the… Read more

  • Fencing

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer is responsible for providing all temporary fencing/barricades for an event site. Any proposed installation of temporary fencing/barricades must be included in the… Read more

  • First aid/Medical plan

    The organiser, promoter or hirer must provide a comprehensive medical plan to manage any medical incidents which may occur during an event. For more information, download this first aid code of… Read more

  • Food and beverage

    The event organiser, promoter or hirer is responsible for obtaining all relevant food and beverage licences as required.  1. Food Authority Licence The event organiser, promoter or hirer must ensure… Read more

  • Lighting plan

    Events that finish after sunset will require a lighting plan as part of the crowd management plan particularly crowd egress. Adequate lighting is also required for bump out… Read more

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